Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Bulletproof Heart.

Don’t you hate getting bullet holes in your new jacket?
I hate getting bullet holes in my new jacket. So I blast the pig that
shot at me, and i’m working on blasting his friend. They scream out that BL-incorporated was going to get me eventually, and that I couldn’t hide forever.

Fuck that! Whatever,I’m done sitting in submission.I have to do it now, and do it loud. Make a stand and take back what belongs to me.It’s time to take back what belongs to all of us.

So this message is for anyone who wants to get into our way.
Don’t. We’re not taking prisoners anymore, We’ll call you out, smack you down and still get home in time for dinner.  We’ve got no heros, so we’re not afraid to play the villains

You want to hurt me? Fine. But You want to hurt my people? Think again pissbaby, Just give me the excuse to string you up like the jaded, lukewarm hardcore asswipes you’re pretending to be. Because I know that you’re not really as apathetic as you might want them to see.

To all my girls who are tired of hearing wolf whistles while you’re walking down root guano.  And to all my boys who are done hearing the words “Man Up.” And to all my gender queer kids who are done with the binary system. It’s time for us to rise up and throw them down.

They don’t believe in us, they don’t believe in our cause.They’ve chosen to remain bystanders to another revolution. So what do we do? We fight back, use our voices and change the future
Are you ready? We’re the only ones willing to stand up to the people who think they’re in charge.

So to all the people who would try and stop us, go ahead and try. We will stand and fight for what we believe, and we will win. We’re done sitting around and letting horrible people control our lives. So shove that in your juice box and suck it, because we’re blowing out of this town. 

We’re done letting rape jokes and slurs slide. The next time you hear someone make a comment in the hall, call them out. Use your voice before you become just another bystander, just like them. It’s time for a new era to take hold, It’s time to dream again.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Forget Me Not

I worry about you all the time, and think about you too.
I think of how I love your eyes, and all the things we'll do.
I think to myself how much I wish there was more I could do.
To show you dear, the reasons why, I whole heartily love you.
I see the cosmic energy seeping from your skin,
I know the burning is stirring love, I can feel it in the wind.
But promise me you will not fade,
for this is surely true.
I, the Writer, have loved you so.
I will never forget you.

Monday, November 24, 2014

A Little More Then Hopeless Romantic.

I found the cure to growing old in her peppermint smile.
I'd be damned if I didn't mention that
even the mere sight of her handle gives me heart palpitations.
A gentle tip tapping, ripping at the delicate muscle.

Sometimes I want to pull a "Practical Magic" and
Just set a spell telling me that,
No, I don't fall in love with those eyes.
No, I don't find the way you laugh at me endearing at all.

No. That isn't the slightest bit true.
And of course number one on my list is not to lie.
And how dare I break that rule,
By lying to myself, telling me that I don't want you.

As the Summer died, gasping out His final breath.
Winter takes Her hold on me.
Two aspects of my soul, fighting for the spotlight.

Because where he was warm and wild,
She is cool and gentle.
And where he loved me in the moonlight,
She'll love me in the sun.

The way her hand cradles my heart,
As though it was a hawk with a broken wing.
Something fierce and crippled.
Makes the tip tapping grow a little more each day.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It's a terrable thing called love.

"That's what it was like today, i was super nervous at first, but after awhile it was just like 'hold her hand, kiss her cheek, tell her she's radiant, drink coffee, hold her hand, kiss her knuckles and tell her that everything is going to be alight' and everything was alright"~H.L.Baugus

Here is simple.
I'm listening to music she’s playing, through a tiny broken screen
There is a slight chill to the air, a spirit still fresh
Sandalwood smoke on my end. something sweet, like vanilla, on hers
Butterflies dancing in my belly from how much I've been here before.
How many times I've imagined this.
How many times I've had this memory before.

Almost like a heavy weight, my eyes begin to droop
I can’t wait to see her, to grab her hand and kiss her knuckles.
The ones she’s going to break my heart with I swear.

But id take it.
I'd take anything she'd give to me.
In love.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


I'm mad at myself for taking such a huge break from blogging.
So I (not so) recently ended my sophomore blog, and I had sorta a creative fall out. Then I committed to this rad story, then I hit a block so I stopped. Then I stopped all together. I was going to start a summer blog but I don't do much so it would be super boring, i'm most likely going to start one anyway.
But I really did miss putting my thoughts out there and just taking the time to hone my craft. I've been inspired to write, maybe just a junk file of poems, or maybe character introductions, or anything really. I'm ready to hit the ground running with this. Make way for tomorrow!

So I've decided to make a little challenge for myself.
Post something every day for the rest of the summer.
(I might make a blog for it or something)
But yeah, that's all I have for right now. I'm going to go hit up a google doc.
<3 -HBL

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Like Dreaming Backwards (title taken from a play by kellie powell)

When I have an episode,
It starts off really small.
I have control,
There is just this weight sitting in my chest waiting for me to

Then it gets worse.
I try lifting and it wont budge,
Then I realize that it's not going to.
And then I panic.

Because I'm dying,
And every part of me wants to throw the tears away.

So I struggle,
Fight, claw, rip, tear myself to shreds.
Trying to get away from this terrible weight.

Then it gets heavier.
It pushes me down,
Now I'm drowning.

Then after I cry,
Or hurt myself,
The weight is gone.

And I am dreamy,
And I am feather-light.
Nothing can hurt me.

Then I sleep.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I've decided to make myself small and

I will no longer speak my mind, for fear of hurting my fellow,

I can no longer stand here and insult

Can I ever succeed? In a world where if I am not small, I




Monday, February 17, 2014

Fake Your Death.

Saying goodbye to old friends is hard.
And it's not made easier by the knowledge of how long you loved them.
They are gone now and you have millions of things to remember them by.

Your best friend,
All their music,
And the soundtrack pulsing through your head.

A piano riff, and the clap of hands to send them to Valhalla.
They were warriors for the broken.
Representatives of the misfits and lovers of the damned.

They told you to be yourself,
And you did.
You dyed your hair when you wanted to,
Laughed with your friends and lived the life.

No one had any hold on you because you could so easily replace reality

You kiss their corpse and cry.
This is is.

So long and thanks for the ride.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Mermaid is Short for Murderer.

There are few people that you feel so linked to
That no matter their faults
Or how much they make you feel like you're eating a bowl of rusted nails.
You love them.
Like a mermaid,
They drag you under stealing your words,
And cherishing your last sane breath.
You feel mad,
And Tired
And all too used.
You can't help letting them pull you under the waves
At night the stars glisten
As they fade from your eyes.
Your eyes go wide,
You realize, too late, they are killing you!
Poisons kiss your corroding skin,
As kelp and algae set into your bones.
Like a rot.
And you are one with the sea now.
Just another of their victims laying on the ocean floor.