Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Beautiful Bright Side.

Look on the fucking bright side.
At least you're not dead yet, right?
What counts as dead anymore?

You're surprised that I'm not okay right now.
Just look at the fucking bright side,
At least I don't cut too deep.

I'm a dead leaf,
Falling to the ground in the middle of
Cut from my power source.

Yeah, look on the bright side.
I'm not dead.
But I wish I was.

And I may be mellodramtic,
But I get that way sometimes.

Keep talking,
About bright sides,
And sunshine.
I'm going to fight on.

We're tradgic,
Teenagers as a whole.
Doomed to live a repeat of all our parents mistakes.

You're surprised that's the bright side here?

I just wanted you to understand.
I needed someone to understand.
But I guess that's not the way this works.

Little Flickering Lights.

Everyone I love leaves me in the end.And maybe it's like this for everyone.

Maybe I'm not exempt.

I lose friends, family,
Anything I put my heart into eventually leaves my side.

I was okay with this once. I thought it was my role.

I was there to lift people out of their darkness.
I was there to help people move on.

But I'm tired of being alone.I don't want to lift anymore.

I don't want you to leave.

But it doesn't matter.Because this is the part I was born to play.

I am the lantern that gets left outside.Light always flickering for the lost.

Battered, and bruised.I shall continue my watch.-XX

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

That's How I Wanna To Go.

You have skin that reminds me of a salted caramel mocha,
And eyes like milk fucking chocolate.
Yeah you make me swear.
You look amazing today and every single day.

Plus I'm ninety percent sure I've had a crush on you since freshmen year.
But what does it matter.
I'm not risking us being friends over the immortal need to kiss your fears away.

I hate to see you sad,
I want to take you in my arms and make you feel warm.
Let's go get a pizza,
And watch a movie?

I want to be with you,
Friends first, kisses later.
Just how do I go about telling you that?

That you smell much better then clean soap and rain.
You smell like nice perfume and earth and warmth.
You are so damn graceful and,
I just don't know how to not like you.
(Deeply inspired by Collar Full by Panic! at the Disco.)
And the thing is, this isn't the first time i've had these feelings.
I was going to ask you out before she did.
And then after to.
Bur I was so afraid of hurting someone,
Stepping on toes.

And now i'm too afraid of losing you.

But I could have sworn to god you looked at my lips,
If only for a second.
Gosh I hope you don't see this.

I can't risk losing you again.