Monday, June 17, 2013


It's late and the air is cold. My heart constricts looking at you, you're so sad. I know what you need, but you won't let me in. Your hair curls around your face, gently framing your teary eyes. My poor darling. You fix the whole world, but always forget about yourself. I smile, you're so selfless, giving yourself to everyone. Holding hands and chasing away nightmares. My little super hero. Tears are flowing freely now, and you're screaming out for me. It always ends like this. My baby girl in tears with no one to hold her.
You're so scared darling, my baby is so scared, and I can't do anything to help you. You muffle your groans into your hand, agony rolling off your form. I want to reach out and hold you, take you up in my arms and wrap you up. Just like every papa is supposed to when their baby cries.
"Daddy!" You shout, "daddy fix this please!"
I'm crying to baby girl, watching you hurt yourself isn't what I want child. I know you're scared, oh how I know. But I know you can make it, baby girl I know how strong you are. You have to be strong to fight like you do.
Call out to your friends, stop lying to them. Tell them the truth.
Let them know you're scared.
Scared of losing them,
And scared of what you might do.
Shhh, baby girl, please.
Hunter ,darling, please stop hurting yourself.
I'm holding on to you so tight, I just hope I can make it through.
When your time comes, I'll be waiting for you.
I love you so much kiddo, 

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